I've always had a knack for finding solutions for businesses. After realizing most business owners never get out of the owner-operator phase, my vision became helping business owners achieve work-life harmony through franchising. Franchising is an option seldomly understood and therefore sought after. With my help, franchising is more than a distant goal, it's within reach.

nice to meet you!

I'm Magz


My career in franchising began in 2019. I worked for a major brand holding several positions; managing, providing guidance within different departments, and collaborating with several teams. Later, I moved into franchise consulting with a well-known business brokerage firm and then independently. I had discovered there were constraints preventing me from providing what the industry was lacking. There was a need, and I couldn’t fill it until I was able to make my own rules. I went back to coaching entrepreneurs and continued to work as a franchise consultant. DIY Franchising was birthed. A solution that many business owners desired, but didn't know how to communicate as a need. 

My experience includes Sales, Franchise Development, Training, Compliance, Construction, Real Estate, Operations, and Marketing. Prior to franchising, I held a couple of leadership positions in retail, corporate companies, and worked in various departments. 

It's now time to bring my expertise to the group that need it the most. If you're feeling stuck and are looking for ways to grow, let's chat.

My Background

let's build something to be proud of!

Fun Facts

I am a serial fixer and what comes with that package is my unconventional ideas to find solutions. I take joy in challenging my clients to find an option they'd never consider before. Sometimes different sells. Do you dare to be different?

Spirituality is a big part of who we are and the success that we obtain but we often suppress it. I’ve had the privilege of being able offer spiritual guidance during my sessions to those that welcome it. Sometimes the groundbreaking idea comes from above. Can you handle it?

An Innovator
an intuitive

I believe that rest should be incorporated into our week. Have you ever wracked your brain about a situation and when you finally decided to leave it alone, the answer came to you? Rest is a part of productivity.

My dream is to conquer the world! It’s a big dream to have but I believe in miracles. The name Billionaire Magz originally started with the financial status I want to have. It has since involved into what I can do to advance those around me and beyond. I have big ideas to balance the scale and one day, I will. 

A self-Care Advocate
a philanthropist

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